Hi there! Have some questions about Microbe-Lift IND? Find the answers below. 

  • What is “Microbe-Lift IND?"

    All micro-organisms in Microbe-Lift IND are non-toxic and non-pathogenic live bacteria suspended in a liquid medium that is non-offensive to humans, animals, plants and all types of aqua-culture.

    Microbe-Lift IND is a combination of many species of live bacteria that have been cultivated for compatibility, reproduction and growth to an adult state and used for the treatment of industrial, agricultural and residential, organically contaminated waste-water.

  • What types of bacteria does “Microbe-Lift IND” contain?

    It is from Thiobacillus Purple group. The product contains a strong odour when first applied.

    The Microbe-Lift IND bacterial culture contains aerobic organisms (those that require oxygen), anaerobic organisms (those that do not require oxygen) and facultative organisms (those that exist with or without oxygen). This makes Microbe-Lift IND an especially effective treatment in even the most challenging environments.

    When Microbe-Lift IND is added to a contaminated area, the bacteria immediately revive themselves and begin to feed, reproduce and attack that organic waste in the water.

    The bacteria in Microbe-Lift IND are live micro-organisms that should be added directly to the waste-water in a periodic manner.  A regular, consistent application should be maintained to guarantee a high micro-organism population which will insure high feeding requirements and high levels of reproduction (which means high consumption of organic solids, the primary objective of waste-water treatment). In this way, a high level absorption of contaminants can be achieved and maintained.

  • Why is “Microbe-Lift IND” so special?

    Microbe-Lift IND contains over 32 live main bacteria strains.

    As yet, no other company has been able to duplicate the Microbe-Lift IND proprietary formulation. It is the manner in which the bacteria are grown. The difference between Microbe-Lift IND and other bacteria water treatment products is that Microbe-Lift IND is not made through the typical process. Once combined in the package the bacteria begin to grow and react synergistically to one other. They go through millions of reactions and pathways that produce a unique end product, named Microbe-Lift IND.

    In layman terms, Microbe-Lift IND accelerates nature. Microbe-Lift IND contains only organisms that are already found in the environment, yet are sometimes insufficient in population to fully process the contaminants in waste-water. The bacteria in Microbe-Lift IND produce the necessary enzymes to successfully and safely breakdown organic contaminants typically found in waste-water. Microbe-Lift IND essentially turbo-charges nature and allows it to process and recycle waste at higher levels and safely discharge to the environment.

    Microbe-Lift IND effectively controls different odours typical of polluted water by reducing the concentration of hydrogen sulfide, which is poisonous gas associated with untreated waters in lagoons and septic tanks.

  • What is the shelf-life of "Microbe-Lift IND?"

    Microbe-Lift IND has a 5 years shelf-life in unopened packaging. Once opened, the product should be used within 6 months.

    Our packing come in standard marking of two years as most user use up the product within two years.

  • What are the various bacteria count in Microbe-Lift IND?

    The specs for the product are:

    •       Aerobic heterotrophs   - 1 x 10 E6 CFU/ml
    •       Anaerobes                    - 1 x 10 E6 CFU/ml
    •       Photosynthetic             - 1 x 10 E5 CFU/ml

    Note: We generally exceed spec by 5 to 10X.

  • Can "Microbe-Lift IND" cause harm to humans or animals?

    No! Microbe-Lift IND is approved by the USDA for use in beef and poultry processing plants. The product is non-toxic and non-pathogenic.

  • Is there any of the organisms spores and if not how do the remainder go dormant without dying?

    When going over the sulfur cycle, the hydrogen sulfide which gives the product it's "distinctive" odor is in the product for two reasons: 

    1. To provide the sulfide oxidizing organisms with an energy source; 
    2. Since hydrogen sulfide is a metabolic inhibitor it slows down the metabolism of the organisms, putting them in a state of "hibernation" until the product is added to the water at which time the hydrogen sulfide is diluted out and/or flashes off into the atmosphere. 

    It's like a patient being taken off of anaesthesia - the bugs wake up and become active almost immediately.

  • Does Microbe-Lift contains gram negative or gram positive bacteria?

    The Microbe-Lift contains mostly gram negative bacteria because they are the best organic degraders. There are a few gram (+) organisms as well.

  • Some bottles of IND were found bloated, is the product still useable?

    The most logical explanation for the bloated bottles is Boyle’s Ideal Gas Law, PV = nRT, which states that pressure in a sealed container will increase with increasing temperature since V, n and R are constants. If I take a container of milk out of the refrigerator and let it warm up 5 degrees F. it will become bloated with no changes in the milk. There may also be some gas generation, like H2S, at the higher temperatures as the higher temperatures counteract some of the inhibitory effects of the H2S and there is some additional activity.

  • What is the BOD concentration of Microbe-Lift IND?

    450 mg per liter


  • How Microbe-lift IND works?

    Microbe-lift IND is particularly successful in the treatment of phenolic wastes with large concentrations of oils and fats and extremely offensive odours.

    One of Microbe-lift IND specialized functions is to reduce Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), which cause the odours to emanate from water treatment systems, septic tanks, lagoons and pits. “Microbelift IND” breaks down solids including fecal material, fats and proteins and treats phenolic waters, sewage, biodegradable hydrogen sulfide and other contaminants.

    Hydrogen sulfide is the most common indication of contamination, producing harsh odours which emanate from treatment plants, lagoons and septic tanks.

    Microbe-lift IND assists in efficiency of lagoons, septic tanks, grease traps, activated sludge systems and other treatment facilities. It also significantly reduces contamination so as to minimize expensive cleaning and pumping procedures, and reduce operation costs significantly.

    Microbe-lift IND also assists in achieving compliance with Government pollution regulations.

    A major advantage of waste-water treatment with bacteria is that it is a subtractive process which means that there is a net reduction in material content in the waste-water. Conversely, chemical treatment processes are additive in that in most cases, something must be added to the water to achieve the removal of something else. As a result, chemical processes result in a net increase of dissolved matter in the waste-water which must eventually be removed before being safely discharged to the environment. Chemical treatment is almost always significantly more expensive than biological treatment.

    In addition to being safe for the environment, Microbe-lift IND provides the most economical, effective waste-water treatment available. The addition of live bacteria (Bioaugmentation) into the waste-water is very cost efficient because the bacteria are living and multiply very quickly when fed. One organism will reproduce into over 16 million organisms in a 24-hour period. The waste in the water is the bacteria’s food, and so long as there is waste in the water, the bacteria in “Microbelift IND” will continue to multiply and digest the waste. When the waste is gone, the bacteria die off and get recycled safely into the environment.

    Microbe-lift IND is ideal for application in almost all waste-water coming from all industries, so long as the waste is principally organic in its content.  Over 99% of all waste-water is suitable for treatment with Microbe-lift IND.

  • Will Microbe-lift IND be effective only when it is added to a stagnant and full septic tanks, or also if Microbe-Lift IND is added into the tank while the waste liquid is being filled up gradually?

    The bacteria can be added as the waste-water is being filled up in the tank. In this manner, the bacteria will have a jumpstart on the treatment by increasing retention time and should stabilise the waste-water quickly.

  • Why is Microbe-Lift IND so special?

    Microbe-Lift IND contains over 32 live main bacteria strains.

    As yet, no other company has been able to duplicate the Microbe-Lift IND proprietary formulation. It is the manner in which the bacteria are grown. The difference between Microbe-Lift IND and other bacteria water treatment products is that Microbe-Lift IND is not made through the typical process. Once combined in the package the bacteria begin to grow and react synergistically to one other. They go through millions of reactions and pathways that produce a unique end product, named Microbe-Lift IND.

    In layman terms, Microbe-Lift IND accelerates nature. Microbe-Lift IND contains only organisms that are already found in the environment, yet are sometimes insufficient in population to fully process the contaminants in waste-water. The bacteria in Microbe-Lift IND produce the necessary enzymes to successfully and safely breakdown organic contaminants typically found in waste-water. Microbe-Lift IND essentially turbo-charges nature and allows it to process and recycle waste at higher levels and safely discharge to the environment.

    Microbe-Lift IND effectively controls different odours typical of polluted water by reducing the concentration of hydrogen sulfide, which is poisonous gas associated with untreated waters in lagoons and septic tanks.

  • What happens to the bacteria after they have performed their functions in reducing compounds and substrates, then die off?

    When the bacteria die, their remains are basically made of carbon. This carbon then gets digested by the living bacteria and converted back to CO2 and flushed off into the atmosphere.

    Any purification process can easily handle any cellular residue from dead bacteria

  • If retention time of the waste-water is short the bacteria will have less time to grow before they are flushed out. So, if you add up the dosage, i.e. adding in more bacteria how will that help?

    The bacteria work immediately. It is necessary to have a certain minimum population in the system at all times in order for the bacteria function to be effective. It is necessary to add Microbe-Lift IND to the waste-water more frequently to short retention systems so that we can guarantee a certain minimum population in the system at all times.

  • What is the difference between Microbe-Lift IND and other products available in the market?

    Microbelift IND contains bacteria that is found naturally in our environment.

  • How do I apply the Microbe-Lift IND?

    Apply directly to the lagoon or to the waste-water holding tank. If the lagoon or tank has a problem with solids buildup the product should be applied as far away from the pumping station as possible.

    When Microbe-Lift IND is added to a contaminated solution, the bacteria which remain in the adult state after manufacture, immediately revive themselves and begin to feed, reproduce and attack the organic wastes in the water.

  • If the bacteria could multiply, then what is the necessity to continue adding Microbe-Lift IND to a lagoon or to a large septic tank, etc on a periodic basis?

    The addition of bacteria is to maintain an optimal (mix) of strains to combat all substrates. Depending on the particular compounds in the waste, the bacteria will produce the necessary enzymes to break them down, process them and recycle them safely to the environment. The problem is that waste-water tends to be very inconsistent in its makeup.

    When a certain substrate is not present in the waste-water for over 18 hours, the bacteria that produce the enzymes specific to that compound will begin to die. However, compounds/substrates can reappear in the waste components may not be sufficiently present and the waste will go undigested until the bacteria population rebuilds itself, which could take a few days.

    Hence, it is always recommended to maintain a small weekly dosage.

    The best gauge is to use visual judgment to ascertain how frequent and how much dosage should be added. Biological treatment always involves trial-and-error.

  • When the bacteria had cleaned up (digest) the residues in the solution, will it die immediately or will they continue to survive for a few more hours? days? weeks?

    In the absence of food i.e. compounds or substrates, the bacteria will go into endogenous respiration stage where they will begin to use their stored energy. This will last for about 18 hours. After 18 hours, the population will begin to die if no food is present.

  • What is the temperature range that Microbe-Lift IND bacteria will be most effective?

    Microbelift IND” bacteria multiply faster in warmer waters, so application of “Microbelift IND” in tropical climate is ideal.

    The adequate temperature range will be 50 degree Celsius to 40 degree Celsius.

    If the temperature limit of 40 degree Celsius is exceeded, say 45 degree Celsius, some bacteria will die in the short term, but will be regenerated very quickly. It is not a concern.

  • What happens if the PH will be lower then 4 or higher than 9?

    First, 95% of all wastewaters amenable to biological treatment fall into this range (4 to 9). Microbelift will function reasonably well down to a pH around 3.5 and up to around 10.5. Outside of these ranges there may be some activity observed but efficiency will be reduced as the acidic and alkaline environments have adverse effects on the function of most enzymes and can denature or destroy certain other cellular components.

  • What Fertilizer effect does Microbe-Lift IND have?

    Microbe-Lift IND substantially dissolves organic solids to a liquid form to facilitate and reduce the frequency of pump out required. The liquid then has a higher value of N, P & K and can be used as fertilizer. Odours and insects will be either reduced drastically or eliminated in the treated area.


  • What are the proven successes of Microbe-Lift IND in waste-water management for industries, institutions, and households?

    Microbe-lift IND has been very successful in treating the following industries and wastes:

    • Chemical Waste - Phenols, alcohols, straight chain alkanes and aromatic compounds
    • Septic Tanks
    • Grease Traps - Hotels and Restaurants
    • Fish & Shrimp Farms - Decrease mortality, better crop yield
    • Slaughterhouses 
    • Animal Farms
    • Decorative Ponds - Koi Fish, reduce filter size and eliminate the need for constant filter cleaning
    • Pharmaceuticals - Phenols, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, oils and greases
    • Refinery Waste - Phenols, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, oils and greases
    • Steel Manufacturing - Phenols, Cyanide, thiocyanate, ammonia and rolling oil
    • Tanneries - Vegetable tanning waste
    • Textile - Surfactants, starches, and organic dyes used in textile mills
    • Wine/Alcohols - Sugars, tannins and alcohols
    • Beverages - Liquid sugars, high fructose corn syrup and flavorings
    • Dairy - fats and whey
    • Confectionery - sugar waste and chemicals
    • Halogenated Aromatics - chloro and di-chloro phenol
    • Detergent - surfactants and other components of detergents
    • Fish Farms - organic components of fish wastes and fish food
    • Food Processing - reduction of BOD and odours
    • Petrochemicals - petroleum hydrocarbons, straight and branched alkanes, BTX
    • Paper/Cellulose - BOD reduction and odour control

    Microbe-Lift IND has also provided many customers huge savings in their waste processing by reducing the production of sludge which is very costly to handle and dispose.

    Another extremely interesting market for Microbe-Lift IND is Aqua Culture. When added to fish and shrimp ponds, Microbe-Lift IND improves the environment of the pond so significantly that we have shown significant reductions in mortality as well as increases in populations and final harvest weights.

    Biological treatment and Microbe-Lift IND specially are the most economical waste-water treatments available today. Most of the world’s public water has become undrinkable, and unless something is done now to restore the environment and curb pollution, the future will be very challenged in terms of meeting the world’s water demands.

  • Is Microbe-Lift IND bacteria actively effective on refinery wastes? Microbe-Lift IND be effective only when it is added to a stagnant and full septic tanks, or also if Microbe-Lift IND is added into the tank while the waste liquid is being filled up gradually?

    Microbe-Lift IND has excellent results in treating refinery wastes and degrading the hydrocarbons and phenols which contribute to BOD. Sludge and solids will be reduced. Other odours will be eliminated. BOD and suspended solids will be reduced. Furthermore, Microbe-Lift IND converts the corrosive H2S to non corrosive elemental sulfur. Therefore Microbe-Lift IND will prevent corrosive at the bottom of the tank.

  • Will Microbe-Lift IND bacteria activate themselves in salty sea water?

    No. Any solution that exceeds 3% in salt content will inhibit bacteria activity.

    Likewise, the pH of the water should be between 4 to 9, for “Microbelift IND” to function efficiency and correctly.

    If pH level is below 4, the bacteria will still work but will lose a lot of activity and effectiveness.

  • I understand that Microbe-Lift IND can be used in a household fish aquarium. Please clarify.

    For fish tank aquarium, we recommend 30ml “Microbelift IND” per 20 gallons of water as the initial dose. (400 ppm)

    For a tank size that holds around 200 litres of water, the dosage should be as follows:

    • Day 1 - 60 mg (300 ppm)
    • Next 4 weeks - 40 ml per week (200 ppm)
    • Thereafter - 20 ml per week (100 ppm)

    It will take at least 10 days to see results. With proper application, Microbe-Lift IND will keep the tank water clean and significantly reduce the frequency of which you need to clean the tank. It works very well for undersize bio filter that clog very often.

  • Will Microbe-Lift IND be particularly effectively in waste-water with large areas of grease, fats and oils?

    Microbe-Lift IND is perfect for such applications because a part of its bacteria activity specialize at digesting the grease, fats and oils.

    In a lagoon system, which has a high retention time, Microbe-Lift IND will be the perfect water treatment product.

  • If a pond or a large septic tank contains hardened waste materials at the bottom, can Microbe-Lift IND effectively dissipate the waste materials, and then clear the bottom. In other words, can Microbe-Lift IND bacteria “eat-into” the hardened wastes, then soften it, and clear it off?

    Absolutely. It is because of this that in many pond systems, the conditions in a lagoon get worse after Microbe-Lift IND is applied in the short term. Microbe-Lift IND will break down solids at bottom and release them into the pond. Until these solids get digested by the bacteria, they will increase the BOD and TSS. Sometimes customers call after application and complain that the conditions are worsening. For us, this is always a good sign because it means that there is plenty of bacterial activity in the pond and that it is just a matter of time before the conditions start improving.

    The most concerning comments from customers are when they do not see any changes, for better or for worse, because this means there is no bacterial activity. Luckily, this rarely happens but when it does there is always a concrete scientific explanation for it. Usually there is something in the pond that we don’t know about that is inhibiting the bacterial growth.

  • Will Microbe-Lift IND have an effect on the thick solid covering over a lagoon?

    Yes! The solids will be dissolved and will eventually disappear. If the area to be treated has a thick solid covering, the initial application of Microbe-Lift IND should be increased.

  • A lagoon has thick solids buildup at the bottom. What effect will the Microbe-Lift IND have on these solids?

    We have documented cases of solids that have more than 5ft of buildup, and after the use of “Microbelift IND”, this buildup was eliminated and/or reduced to only 6 inches in thickness.

  • Should I be concerned about the purple covering in a lagoon?

    No. This is an ideal situation for Microbe-Lift IND.

  • Will Microbe-Lift IND function efficiently if there is no aeration in the septic tank that is constructed in the ground – i.e. tank surface is not exposed to oxygen in the air?

    Yes. The largest market for “Microbelift IND” in the USA is in septic tanks, which are placed underground and have no oxygen. In this environment, the anaerobic organisms thrive.

    We also supply BioAktiv powder, a physically treated Calcium Carbonate power in combination with IND to enhance the degrading process of the faeces.

    • 99% of all customers do not do an exact characterization of their wastes because it is very expensive and difficult.  So they do not know exactly what bacteria would be ideal to treat their wastes.
    • The nature of waste-water is inconsistency.  Most systems receive wastes that are constantly changing in its characteristics.  For this reason, utilizing specific bacteria would be detrimental since it would not account any inconsistencies in the substrates.  If something new enter the system and the correct bacteria are not present, those substrates get discharged without treatment.
    • In the US and Western Europe, environmental applications are decades ahead of what they are everywhere else.  More money is spent on analysis, treatment, products, enforcement etc, so it is more conceivable in these markets to have more specific applications.  Currently, the less-developed Asian markets are decades from that level of treatment, investment and expertise.
    • However, specific bacteria can be developed for specific industrial wastes in which the influents will be predictable.  Examples will be refinery wastes, and composting applications in which the formula will have a higher count of thermophillic bacteria, which are the primary bacteria needed in high temperature composting processes.  But the greatest aspect of “Microbelift IND” is its ability to treat so many different types of wastes, effectively and economically

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