Bio-augmentation is the introduction of specially selected micro-organisms with specific metabolic profiles to speed up the rate of degradation in a particular environment. This process can be applied to a multitude of environments, from breaking down unwanted or undesirable substances and particles to get rid of them to stimulating degradation to enhance methane production. Bio-stimulation through the addition of selected bacterial cultures in the growth medium of crops is used to increase yields naturally and organically.
The MICROBE-LIFT range of products is unique in that it contains 29 species of microbes. They are live and ready to start working the moment they are introduced into the environment.
Unlike our competitors’ 2-6 strain bacterial products, we offer 29 strains that handles all of the biological processes found in a waste system.
Our bacteria is organic, natural, completely safe and pathogen free. The nature of our consortium leads to an interesting phenomenon that is explained in its simplest form as self selection. Because we have such a wide range of bacteria functioning over different processes our bacteria flourishes in almost any environment. The moment it is introduced into a system the availability of different types of waste will encourage the growth of the specific bacteria for that type of waste. This gives us the most successful bio augmentation product on the market today.
The product has proven itself for over 46 years in multiple industries. And managed to help countless people in insuring their waste is handled in a safe environmentally but yet cost effective and efficient way.
There is currently no one else that can offer what Microbe-Lift offers with the most effective bio technology and patents to insure a continues positive result. Application is simple and no special equipment is needed. Unopened, it has a guaranteed 3 year shelf life; the longest shelf life of any live bacterial product.
Microbe-Lift efficiently treats Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates, Fats Oil and Grease, Total Suspended Solids, COD, BOD, Sulphides, Sludge, Hydro Carbons, Phosphates, Odours, and Many More!
Our product does these in 5 different processes. In these 5 processes, we have managed to sustainably grow 29 species of microbes in one bottle these microbes are completely live and ready to start working the moment they are introduced to your environment.
Breaking down simple and aromatic hydro carbons(from methane to petroleum waste), ammonia and nitrites
breaking down simple and aromatic hydro carbons(from methane to petroleum waste), nitrates and sulphides
Utilizing either oxygen or when it is unavailable nitrates, sulphates or sulphur to metabolize. This obviously is a fantastic advantage when you are trying to get rid of Sulphates, sulphur or nitrates
Chemo synthetic
Breaking down carbons and in the process using matter like sulphides
Using the power of the sun to deal with hydrogen sulphides